Logáil isteach TÚS ANSEO

Email Marketing

Promote your business with a newsletter package using proven mailing list tools. Market to your customers today with SITE123's email marketing tools.

Bain triail as Anois

Email Marketing For Your Business

Take advantage of one of the most powerful tools available on SITE123 to stay in touch with your customers and win over new ones! Email Marketing is one of the best digital marketing channels available, especially when the subject is a relationship with the audience. After all, who does not have an email nowadays? E-mail marketing is the use of email as a direct marketing tool, respecting predefined rules and procedures, to analyze the feedback generated through reports to make increasingly optimized campaigns.

Subscribe To Mailing List Option

Take advantage of one of the most powerful tools available on SITE123 to stay in touch with your customers and win over new ones! When you set up an email newsletter, you will be able to offer your readers a way to sign up to receive emails of your own. With a mailing list you can easily send an email to a group of contacts. This is the easiest way to keep up with a large number of people. Keep that tool on your site by adding the mailing list option to your website. Any valid email contact received through your website will be placed in the mailing list.

Mailing List Templates

You can choose from our designed mailing list templates to email your subscribers. The system will make sure that those templates will look great on any email platform.

Tuilleadh Gnéithe iontach

Ár gcliaint sásta

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Is é SITE123, gan dabht, an dearthóir láithreán gréasáin is éasca agus is éasca le húsáid ar casadh orm. Tá a gcuid teicneoirí comhrá cabhrach thar a bheith gairmiúil, rud a fhágann go bhfuil an próiseas chun suíomh Gréasáin suntasach a chruthú thar a bheith simplí. Tá a saineolas agus a dtacaíocht thar barr. Nuair a fuair mé amach SITE123, stop mé láithreach ag cuardach roghanna eile - tá sé chomh maith sin. Mar gheall ar an meascán d'ardán iomasach agus tacaíocht den chéad scoth, seasann SITE123 amach ón gcomórtas.
Christi Prettyman us Flag
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Tá SITE123 an-éasca le húsáid i mo thaithí. Ar na hócáidí annamha nuair a bhí deacrachtaí agam, bhí a dtacaíocht ar líne eisceachtúil. Réitigh siad aon cheisteanna go tapa, rud a fhágann go raibh an próiseas cruthaithe láithreán gréasáin réidh agus taitneamhach.
Bobbie Menneg us Flag
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Tar éis triail a bhaint as tógálaithe gréasáin éagsúla, seasann SITE123 amach mar an chuid is fearr do novices cosúil liomsa. Fágann an próiseas atá éasca le húsáid agus an tacaíocht eisceachtúil ar líne a bhaineann leis an suíomh Gréasáin a chruthú. Tugaim rátáil iomlán 5 réalta do SITE123 go muiníneach - tá sé foirfe do thosaitheoirí.
Paul Downes gb Flag
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